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95 Primrose Avenue RM6 4PS

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We understand that living with mental health conditions, learning disability and/or autism can make a number of everyday tasks and situations more challenging for individuals and their families. We have a strong belief that having a good life with positive outcomes can be a reality for everyone, regardless of their age or presumed ability. Primroses Care offers a wide range of specialist residential and community-based services for adults with a learning disability and autism. We provide personalized care and support that match the individual needs of our clients to enable them to have more choices. Our person-centered approach with our service users promotes life skills, enabling them to live independently and to fulfill their goals and ambitions.

Innovative and Solution Focussed

We’re constantly learning and looking for new ways in which to improve our services and the way we deliver them.

Respect & Dignity

We respect the privacy of our service users. Providing them with the support they might need to be autonomous, independent and involved in their local community.

Puting Our Service Users First

Our users come first in everything we do. We value everybody, respect their ambitions, their commitments, their abilities and limitations.

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